
27 Dec 2023

Even though the right plants are selected and positioned in green areas, which are areas where we can breathe among reinforced concrete structures, the continuity of these areas will only be achieved through good maintenance. Of course, gardening is a good hobby for all of us. However, as you all know, it requires a lot of effort. Unfortunately, many of our well-designed gardens last only one year. There will be nothing left of the gardens we prepared with great effort for the next year. The main reason for this situation is definitely not design or implementation deficiencies. The only reason for this is the lack of necessary garden maintenance.There is one thing that should definitely not be forgotten while doing garden maintenance. Saplings are living creatures and require attention. A sapling newly planted in the ground is a newborn baby. That's why it requires attention and proper care. So how can we turn this sapling into an adult? In fact, it is very easy to answer this question, and although its application may seem tiring, the correct answer is enjoyable, conscious and educational.

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