The Boy's Journey to Success: Lessons from his Grandfather !

15 Feb 2024

This is the story of a boy who wanted to become a successful person in his life. What did his grandfather teach him? let us know.

Once upon a time, a 10-12 year old boy lived with his parents in a village. After many years the boy goes to his grandfather's village, there he plays with his grandfather all the time.

One day while playing, he said to his grandfather, “Grandfather, when I grow up, I will prove to be very successful.” "Hello, can you tell me some ways to become successful? His grandfather looks at him, smiling, and tells him “Yes!”

And he takes him to a plant shop, where small plants were available, from there his grandfather buys 2 small plants, and comes back home. After coming home, he plants one of the plants in a big pot, and keeps that pot inside the house.

And he plants the second plant outside the house. Then he asks his grandson, “Which plant do you think will grow best in the future?” The children thought a little and told their grandfather that the plant we had planted inside the house would grow well.
Because he will be safe from every problem inside the house. And the plant that we have planted outside is in danger from many things, such as sunlight, storm, storm, heavy rain, and animals are also in danger.

His grandfather smiled and told him, “Let us see in the future, what happens to these two plants!” Then after 4 years the boy again goes to his grandfather's house.

After seeing Grandfather, he again asks him, Grandfather, last time I asked you how to be successful in life? But you didn't tell me anything, but now you have to tell me.

His grandfather smiled and told him, “Sure!” ” But first let us look at the two plants that we planted a few years ago.

Saying this, grandfather took him to the same place where he had kept the plant inside the house. He saw that the plant had become a big plant. Then he went to the place where he had planted the second sapling outside.

They saw that that small plant had now grown into a very big and huge tree, and its tendrils were very strong and long. And his shadow was falling on the entire field. Now the boy's grandfather looked at him and said to him, "Now tell me which plant has become bigger and stronger?"
Which plant has been more successful? The boy said, “The plant which we planted outside the house.” " But Grandpa, how is this possible? This plant may have faced many dangerous situations, it may have faced many problems, but still, how did this plant become such a big tree?

His grandfather looked at him and said, “You are right, the Khwaja we planted outside must have faced many problems and by fighting those problems, he has become so big and huge.” And now he can grow his branches as much as he wants. ,

And the problems like storm and heavy rain make its branches even stronger. And because of this, today it has become a huge tree. And now all these problems are small in front of him.

Then his grandfather looked at him and told him that son, always remember one thing: unless you struggle in your life, unless you go through difficulties, you cannot achieve success in your life.

If you always make comfortable choices in your life, you will not be able to progress as much as you could. And if you are prepared for every problem, always ready for struggle, then it will not be impossible for you to achieve any destination.

And then big problems will start seeming small to you. After hearing this the boy took a deep breath and then he started looking towards the huge and big tree, his grandfather's words were floating in his mind.

Friends, we consider these things as problems, obstacles and difficulties as enemies of our life, but these obstacles, these difficulties make us stronger and make us more successful in our life.

Someone has said: If you are not facing any problem in your life, then understand! That you are on the wrong track.

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