Take a break, touching clouds

13 May 2024

First posted on https://www.publish0x.com/a-foray-into-crypto-a-technophobes-journey/take-a-break-touching-clouds-xdkmomo

Good morning/evening
In the 24/7 of crypto it is all too easy to keep going and going, it is too easy to do 'just a little more'. I am the sort of person that tries to give it my all, no matter what I am doing. It is not even the main portfolio, that is fine and just needs a quick check now and then and a few figures put onto a spreadsheet. Sometimes a check on the micro caps to see if people are buying or selling and if the dip is just a dip. My husband is in control of the trading side, and plans are in place for most eventualities.
Not enough hours in the day.
Trying to do everything else takes time so I would get up an hour earlier, then another hour earlier, then another until it was really not worth going to bed! I have research I want to do, articles I want to write and read and learn, as well as keeping up to date in general with what is going on in the crypto world. There is a project or 2 I need to keep an eye on and I knew it was time for a break when I read a white paper, reread it and none of it stayed in! Also when my husband asked me what a couple of projects were about I just said 'I have no idea', not even 'I will find out'. I have to accept that yes there will be some that got away, because you just can't look at everything. Crypto moves fast, things change and you won't know everything about every project or new blockchain out there.
Sometimes we just need to step away from the charts, away from the laptops and phones and recharge. There is no doubt that we get an adrenaline rush in crypto, As much as you have to try to not let your emotions rule what you do, we are only human and it is definitely a rollercoaster and it is not always easy to take a step back, but we all need to recharge.
Touching grass
Touching grass is a well used phrase in crypto, due to the fact that we spend a lot of time in front of screens but it is actually quite important for our health to get out there and take a break sometimes. I definitely touched grass and I think I even touched the clouds as we took a break and went to the spa town of Devin in Bulgaria. Nestled in the beautiful Rhodope mountains and it was just stunning. Sometimes we never saw another person for hours and loved every minute of exploring. No GPS, no signal, just nature in all its glory. 
The town of Devin is located in Southern Bulgaria, 45 km away from Smolyan and 220 km away from Sofia. Devin lies at 710 m above mean sea level in the southwestern part of the Rhodope Mountains.
Dospat Dam
This is situated in the western part of the Rhodope Mountains. At 1,200 m (3,900 ft) above the sea level, it is one of the highest dams in Bulgaria in terms of altitude,
I will be off to the Uk this week, a visit with family before doing a work stint. I like to top up the crypto fund and get away from the midsummer heat of Bulgaria, but I think I am more suited to the mountain climate so perhaps, in the future a holiday apartment in the mountains is on the cards. While I am away of course I will try to keep up with crypto but I will prioritise and use any spare time wisely.
Thank you for reading and please feel free to comment.

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