Extra and passive income via PAWNS.APP
Hey, fellow Bulbers :)
As you may have seen, I have written some articles about extra and passive income. In everyday life, I am trying to use different apps and systems to earn more money. Sometimes, I can earn between 300 and 600 USD amount of currency per month.
In this post, I wanted to write about my experience with PAWNS. So PAWNS is one of those bandwidth/Internet sharing apps where you get extra payments and rewards for selling your Internet connection.
My experience is that I am using PAWNS both on my laptop and smartphone. Thereby, I get a double reward since I am using PAWNS on two different devices.
However, the important thing is that the devices are connected to different networks since using several PAWNS accounts on the same Internet connection at the same time is impossible.
My experience is also since I am using unlimited mobile Internet for my smartphone, my Pawns generates 1-3 USD per month. This is a small amount of money, but combined with the other apps and systems, it contributes to a bigger sum.
PAWNS is very easy to install and manage, and you can do surveys in the mobile version.
Also, down below, I am sharing my extra and passive income list based on different alternatives
My referral is Pawns
Enjoy rewards and have fun in life :)
Green Panthera
Zoom Bucks (loot. tv bonus)
Earn Crypto (Algo)
Opinion Pioneer
Time Bucks
Idle Empire
Atta Poll
Red Monkey
Crypto pooling (mining) via smartphone
CryptoTab (Bitcoin)
Use: Vladlau89
Bitcoin (USDT)
Uphold (Brave browser rewards)
Crypto Walk to Earn (W2E)
Sweatcoin (for SWEAT)
Macadam (Use code: 4PWWNK )
Crypto gaming
Crypto Cats (LIS)
Crypto Dragons (LIS)
Crypto others
Hi dollar - Refferal: Vladlau89
Coinbase gift
Wirex (WIX) card and crypto community
Nexo crypto card, staking, and borrowing
Video watching (rewards in BTC, ETH, and others)
Money SMS
Code: 8ZM0HMT2
TRINE - Direct investments in solar panel energy projects