Story :- Fast Race !

22 Feb 2024

This is the story of a 12-year-old boy whose dream was to run the fastest in the Olympics. He was a 12 year old boy, where children of that age used to spend time in small games. He worked hard to fulfill his dreams. He kept saying continuously that I have to become the fastest runner. And seeing his hard work and passion, his family members also got him trained by professionals and supported him a lot.

He was practicing every day, working very hard and running really fast and he was having success. Wherever he lived, he won every competition. And he used to win in his state also.

Everyone was talking about him in the news on TV, saying that a child of such a young age has achieved so much. And many news channels were also able to do interviews with him.

Once upon a time, a very wonderful event was organized in his city. In which two more boys of the same age, i.e. 12 years old, were called to participate in the competition with her. That event/competition was publicized everywhere in the entire state.

Now the day of that event has come and the stadium was completely crowded. People from every district had come there. In that crowd there came a man who was very learned and was one of the most intelligent professors of that city. He had grown old.

He came and sat on the front seat. He was invited there as a chief guest.

All the runners came to that professor and they came and saluted the professor and after that the race started.

Everyone at the stadium knew who would win that race. The 12 year old boy from this city who was dreaming of going to the Olympics, finally won the 100 meter race.

As soon as the boy won, the entire audience started shouting his name in unison, the sound of applause shook the entire city. An atmosphere was created.

That's why that boy got overconfidence, he went to the anchor and requested him to take the mic and he announced the mic, he challenged the people, "If there is anyone among you who wants to compete with me or wants to run, then come. Can run."

This time two more boys came to run with this boy and both of them were older than him. But this boy was ready to run with a different age group. Had become overconfident.

When the second race had started, this time also this boy won. This time again the audience cheered, there was applause again, everyone was happy for the boy's victory.

Now this 12 year old boy went to that professor and bowed to him and he started saying to that professor - "Sir, see you are amazing, I am only 12 years old and have defeated even boys older than me. "

The professor who was there said, "Son, you run one last race on my request, it will be fun."

The boy was already overconfident. So he said, "Sir, please tell me with whom to run."

The professor who was there now raised two new challengers in front of this boy. One was a disabled person who was blind and could not see properly. And the other one was an old mother, who was quite old.

This 12 year old boy had to run with both of them. That boy suddenly lost all his confidence and energy and he asked the professor, "Sir, what is this, where am I and where is he, how will I race with them, do I really have to race with them or are you asking me to do so?" Just kidding!”

The professor said - "I am not kidding, son, you will have to run with them."

The third race started, this boy started walking, kept running, and reached the finishing line. But this time no one clapped. There was silence in the entire stadium. Everyone was sitting silently.

Now this boy looked back and saw that the two other players who were going to run with him were standing at the same place.

This boy ran to the professor and said, "Sir, what happened, I won but no one clapped. No one is looking happy."

The professor told the boy, "Now you go and complete the race with those two players."

This boy came back and the race started for the fourth time, this boy started walking with both of them and not running. And this boy started walking together holding both of their hands. Slowly the boy started walking with both of them. It took a lot of time.

But this time, all three completed the 100 meter race together, and this time there was thunderous applause in the entire stadium. People stood up and clapped.

People were sending greetings and love for that boy. There was continuous applause.

Now the boy came running to that professor and asked him, "Sir, just tell me one thing, this time for whom the applause was being made, for whom among the three of us the applause was being made."

The professor said - "Son, this time the winner is not being applauded. It is being applauded for this race, which has been completed brilliantly. Today you have won the hearts of the people, this race is yours." This will be the most memorable race of my life."


Friends, this is a small story but it teaches us all a very big thing that this race is the race of our life. We all want to be successful in life, we all want that my name should be at the forefront, I should have the most money in this world, I should have the biggest house.

But one thing we always forget is that while running in this race, when we reach the finishing line, there is no one behind us, they all stand there on the starting line.

If you want to run the race of this life, then it is not important whether you are winning, but it is very important how you have completed this race. Take others with you.

To win the race of life, it is more important than winning to participate in this race with others and move forward together. Let's take them all along. Winning isn't always everything. Many times, winning people's hearts and sharing happiness means a lot.

Next time when you join a race, think about your life and think about whether you are taking everyone along in this race.


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