Nutrition During Pregnancy

8 Jan 2024

1. Basic Principles of Pregnancy Nutrition
Meeting the mother's increased energy and protein needs. Keeping nutritional element (energy, protein, fat, vitamin, mineral) stores in balance. To ensure normal growth and development of the baby in the womb. Filling the tanks to ensure adequate milk release during lactation. Organizing a "personalized" nutrition program according to the mother's age, weight, eating habits and the number of pregnancies.

3. Protein
Proteins are the building blocks of the body; They must be taken with daily nutrients for the growth and development of the fetus. Proteins are divided into two: animal (very necessary for the body) and plant-based. Proteins of animal origin; It should be met from foods with high biological value such as meat, milk and eggs. Seasonally, 4-5 portions of vegetables should be eaten in daily meals. Adequate nutritional consumption should be taken into consideration, especially in vegetarian, pregnant and lactating women who eat plant-based foods. Pay attention to daily energy and protein intake, and supplements for iron, zinc, calcium, vitamin D, B12 and riboflavin should be included in the nutrition program.

4. Fat
Most of the daily energy is provided from fat. Fats are visible and invisible (within Food) and are grouped according to their activity in the body. Butter (found in milk, yoghurt, cheese), olive oil and sunflower, hazelnut and fish oil should be consumed as daily food.

5. Vitamins
Requirements increase with pregnancy and lactation. Food preparation, cooking and storage conditions should be taken into consideration. Vitamin A is found in fish, milk, egg yolk, spinach, carrots, tomatoes and green leafy vegetables. In addition to nutrition, it is necessary for the mother to benefit from sunlight for the health of herself and the unborn child. C vitamin; It is a vitamin found in green and red peppers, citrus fruits, tomatoes and potatoes, and you should consume at least 4-5 fruits a day. Folic acid; It is found in dark green leafy vegetables, meat, eggs, milk and derivatives, and as a result of insufficient consumption during pregnancy, low birth weight babies, anemia and neural tube defects may occur. Vitamin B12 is only found in animal-derived foods such as organ meats, red meat, milk, cheese and fish.

6. Minerals
Iron is found in foods such as meat and its derivatives, offal, eggs, dark green leafy vegetables, dried legumes, raisins, figs and molasses. It should be consumed with daily foods and fresh fruits and fruit juice should be drunk as a source of vitamin C in addition to foods. Calcium is a very necessary mineral for bone mineralization, breast milk and the baby, and is found in sources such as milk, yoghurt, cheese, molasses, hazelnuts and legumes. 500 ml in daily foods. Milk or yoghurt should be consumed. Zinc is a mineral required for growth and development and enzymes in protein structure, and consumption of meat, seafood, milk and its derivatives, eggs and oilseeds is necessary for zinc intake. Consuming fiber, adequate vegetables and fruits, legumes and whole wheat bread is necessary to prevent pregnancy-related constipation and to maintain regular bowel functions.

7. Food Groups
Milk and its products: (3 servings) Milk, yoghurt, cheese, cottage cheese (1 glass of milk, 1 glass of yoghurt, 2 matchboxes of cheese daily). Meat group: (3 portions) All kinds of meat, chicken, fish, eggs, legumes (1 egg, 2 portions of meat and vegetable dishes, 2 portions of dried legumes). Fresh vegetables and fruits: (5-9 servings) Green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, tomatoes. Cereals: (3-8 servings) Bread, rice, bulgur, pasta, pastry.

8. Fluid Consumption
It is recommended to consume 2-3 liters of water per day.

9. Number of Meals
It is recommended to consume food 6 times a day, eat little by little, frequently, and avoid skipping meals.

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