I turned $500 into $500,000+ in 4 days by trading $SOL shitcoins:

22 Dec 2023

I turned $500 into $500,000+ in 4 days by trading $SOL shitcoins:

$ANALOS +14000%
$POPCAT +800%
$SILLY +820%

Everyone talks about their 1000x gains, but nobody shares their strategies. Not me.
on how to make x1000 on shitcoins (will delete it soon)
It's simple: buy low, sell high.

Okay, just kidding, it's actually easier said than done.

You need to consider a multitude of factors and know many tools.
To explain everything in the most accessible way, I'll discuss everything using $ANALOS as an example.

The token from which I earned the most, and I believe I'll earn more, as I still hold onto my bags.

I called it at a price 125 times lower than ath, and even before listing:
Let's start with 3 basic rules:

✧ Never invest more than you can afford to lose

✧ Don't put all your money in one token

✧ If you have a small size, trade chains with cheap gas fees

These rules are the foundation for successful flipping.
Find a community and set up your information field with the right influencers.

This is the most important point, especially in the early stages.

Thus, I advise to connect with a group of like-minded degens who are also working hard within your specific ecosystem.

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