Social Security Contributions in the Philippines Can Now Be Paid with Cryptocurrency

3 Jul 2024

Social Security Contributions in the Philippines Can Now Be Paid with Cryptocurrency

On July 1, 2024, Tether announced that Filipino citizens can now use USDT (Tether's stablecoin) to pay their social security contributions.

Increasing Demand for Stablecoins

This decision comes amid a growing demand for stablecoins, highlighting a broader acceptance and integration of cryptocurrencies into everyday financial transactions.

About the Social Security System (SSS)

The Social Security System (SSS) is a government-managed social insurance program designed to provide financial support to workers in both the formal and informal sectors. Established by law, SSS aims to offer financial assistance during challenging times.
The SSS oversees two main programs: the Social Security Program and the Employee Compensation Program. These programs are essential for ensuring a safety net for the community and providing financial stability when needed.

Tether's Partnership with UQUID

To facilitate the use of USDT for SSS payments, Tether has partnered with Uquid, a leading company in shopping and Web3 infrastructure.

Uquid’s platform leverages blockchain technology and decentralized finance to offer various crypto payment options, serving over 260 million users across different markets.
Tran Hung, CEO of Uquid, emphasized that this partnership is a significant milestone in bridging digital currencies with everyday financial activities, setting a new standard for convenience and accessibility.

The Role of Stablecoins

Introducing USDT for SSS contributions aligns with the rising demand for stablecoins. These digital currencies, pegged to stable assets like the US dollar, provide a reliable medium for transferring value.

Stablecoins offer several advantages, including almost instant transactions and low fees, making them ideal for disrupting traditional payment systems.

For instance, PayPal has introduced its own stablecoin, PYUSD, to enable low-cost, instant transfers within its payment infrastructure. Similarly, Stripe has allowed merchants on its platform to accept stablecoins for online transactions, starting with USDC on the Solana, Ethereum, and Polygon blockchains.

This move signifies a step forward in the integration of cryptocurrency into regular financial operations, showcasing the evolving landscape of digital payments.


The integration of USDT as a payment option for social security contributions in the Philippines marks a significant advancement in the adoption of cryptocurrency for everyday financial activities. This initiative by Tether, in partnership with Uquid, reflects a broader trend towards the acceptance and use of digital currencies in mainstream financial systems. By offering a stable and efficient method for Filipinos to manage their social security payments, this move demonstrates how cryptocurrencies can provide practical solutions in real-world applications, particularly in enhancing convenience and accessibility in financial transactions.

As stablecoins like USDT continue to gain traction, their role in modernizing payment systems becomes increasingly apparent. With their ability to offer near-instantaneous transactions and reduced fees, stablecoins are poised to challenge traditional financial methods and provide more efficient alternatives. This development underscores the potential of digital currencies to revolutionize the way we conduct everyday financial activities, paving the way for a more inclusive and flexible financial future.

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