Sweet expre...πŸ₯°

5 May 2023

If Radha remembers anything most vividly from her birth, it is the Azpais mansion of the landlords. The big rooms there, the courtyard in front, the stairs going from where to where, the floors, the curtains, the walls, everything was her back. From cleaning the lamps in the living room to feeding the horses in the stables, she would do anything. Her mother used to say. She also used to do all this when she was Radha's age. Her parents died, she was also married off by Inamdars. Then Radha happened and her husband went away. She was left alone but there was no shortage of food... New clothes were worn every month. Mother always told her that this is the fruit of hard work and integrity. Radha was admitted to the village school by the Inamdars. They were keen that she should not be seen here and there during school hours. Occasionally they would inquire about her studies. If she showed interest in further studies, they were ready to send her to the city for education. Mother used to warn her that she should be aware of all this. Radha was also a smart, intelligent girl. No She used to carry out her work meticulously. The work of the zamindars themselves and Kakisaheb is very important
used to do One day she was picking bulrushes in the back yard and putting them in a basket. The landlord himself came there for some work. A servant named Ganesha was cleaning the cows. Due to this, the water flowed down and the ground became slippery. The newly born Chot Padas was making a mess of the place. The landlords could not stop his greed. Holding up the dhoti, they started coming towards the Padsa. Ganesh immediately went to the landlord to tell him that the land was slippery. Before he could open his mouth, Zamindar Sahib's foot slipped and he fell into the mud. They started trying to get up but could not do anything apart from moving their balls around. They helplessly called Ganesha for help... It was like a mouse lifting an elephant by its hand. Ganesha rushed to him. He offered his tender hand to the landlords. As soon as they took hold of his hand with both hands and gave a little force, Ganesha himself fell on top of them with a thump. To get out of the mud, both of them began to sweep their hands and feet like frogs. Everyone who saw this, suppressed their laughter with great difficulty and went to help the two of them. Both were unharmed. The landlords were raised by all with great difficulty. He did not walk two steps and fell back on his stomach in the mud. As soon as he asked for his hand, Ganesha again offered his hand to him and the Swami-bhakt man once again fell down on him. Seeing this, no one could stop laughing. Everyone started laughing. In the end, somehow once again both of them. Everyone stood up and took care not to fall. Everyone's face was red with laughter. But Radha was serious as usual. The lines on her face didn't even move. This kind of thing did not go unnoticed by the landlords. Their curiosity was awakened. They were watching her all day. In the evening she washes her hands As she left, they followed her. With great haste, she went to the servants' quarters in the backyard. "Gauri, a Gauri" she started to call out to her friend. They started looking from behind the tree. "Gauri, come out quickly, I want to tell you something as big as a cloud."

She was suppressing her smile with her pucker in her mouth. Gauri came out. Radha couldn't stop laughing as Gauri twirled her.. Finally Gauri swore to her and Radha told her the story of the afternoon. She was smiling a lot while saying that. Gauri and Radha started laughing loudly. No Seeing that, the zamindar sahib went back. The more he thought about the matter, the more uneasy he became. He began to feel the value of his goodness in the face of two lost things, Radha's mother's identity and Radha's childhood. Finally he called his wife. He said, β€œUnderstand what we say. See that Hai will be implemented in Haya village from Uday. Anyone who does not do so will be severely punished. No boy or girl under the age of sixteen shall be employed by anyone from Udaya. If they need it we will bear their entire expenses or even help the family financially. We will no longer have children burdened with work. Whether she is from our village or from the palace."

His wife looked at her husband proudly. She was ready to follow their orders. At the same time, Radha, who was sleeping soundly on the bed next to her mother, was laughing in her sleep. If Radha remembers anything most vividly from her birth, it is the Azpais mansion of the landlords. The big rooms there, the courtyard in front, the stairs going from where to where, the floors, the curtains, the walls, everything was her back. From cleaning the lamps in the living room to feeding the horses in the stables, she would do anything. Her mother used to say. She also used to do all this when she was Radha's age. Her parents died, she was also married off by Inamdars. Then Radha happened and her husband went away. She was left alone but there was no shortage of food... New clothes were worn every month. Mother always told her that this is the fruit of hard work and integrity. Radha was admitted to the village school by the Inamdars. They were keen that she should not be seen here and there during school hours. Occasionally they would inquire about her studies. If she showed interest in further studies, they were ready to send her to the city for education. Mother used to warn her that she should be aware of all this. Radha was also a smart, intelligent girl. No She used to carry out her work meticulously. The work of the zamindars themselves and Kakisaheb is very important used to do One day she was picking bulrushes in the back yard and putting them in a basket. The landlord himself came there for some work. A servant named Ganesha was cleaning the cows. Due to this, the water flowed down and the ground became slippery. The newly born Chot Padas was making a mess of the place. The landlords could not stop his greed. Holding up the dhoti, they started coming towards the Padsa. Ganesh immediately went to the landlord to tell him that the land was slippery. Before he could open his mouth, Zamindar Sahib's foot slipped and he fell into the mud. They started trying to get up but could not do anything apart from moving their balls around. They helplessly called Ganesha for help... It was like a mouse lifting an elephant by its hand. Ganesha rushed to him. He offered his tender hand to the landlords. As soon as they took hold of his hand with both hands and gave a little force, Ganesha himself fell on top of them with a thump. To get out of the mud, both of them began to sweep their hands and feet like frogs. Everyone who saw this, suppressed their laughter with great difficulty and went to help the two of them. Both were unharmed. The landlords were raised by all with great difficulty. He did not walk two steps and fell back on his stomach in the mud. As soon as he asked for his hand, Ganesha again offered his hand to him and the Swami-bhakt man once again fell down on him. Seeing this, no one could stop laughing. Everyone started laughing. In the end, somehow once again both of them. Everyone stood up and took care not to fall. Everyone's face was red with laughter. But Radha was serious as usual. The lines on her face didn't even move. This kind of thing did not go unnoticed by the landlords. Their curiosity was awakened. They were watching her all day. In the evening she washes her hands As she left, they followed her. With great haste, she went to the servants' quarters in the backyard. "Gauri, a Gauri" she started to call out to her friend. They started looking from behind the tree. "Gauri, come out quickly, I want to tell you something as big as a cloud." She was suppressing her smile with her pucker in her mouth. Gauri came out. Radha couldn't stop laughing as Gauri twirled her.. Finally Gauri swore to her and Radha told her the story of the afternoon. She was smiling a lot while saying that. Gauri and Radha started laughing loudly. No Seeing that, the zamindar sahib went back. The more he thought about the matter, the more uneasy he became. He began to feel the value of his goodness in the face of two lost things, Radha's mother's identity and Radha's childhood. Finally he called his wife. He said, β€œUnderstand what we say. See that Hai will be implemented in Haya village from Uday. Anyone who does not do so will be severely punished. No boy or girl under the age of sixteen shall be employed by anyone from Udaya. If they need it we will bear their entire expenses or even help the family financially. We will no longer have children burdened with work. Whether she is from our village or from the palace." His wife looked at her husband proudly. She was ready to follow their orders. At the same time, Radha, who was sleeping soundly on the bed next to her mother, was laughing in her sleep.

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