Pi Network, a word of warning

19 Mar 2025

Good morning/evening.

OK Pi people or Pioneers as we were called I have a warning for you all.
First let me explain, as a noob I thought that tapping a button every day to earn some free money was actually a thing so I tapped, I made my husband tap and I made our son tap. Now when it came time to KYC mine would not go through (later realise this is actually a good thing) but my husband did manage to KYC. 
Year after year, I would be a little excited about 'Mainnet' only for it to be postponed yet again, it came to a point that one by one we all stopped tapping. My husband and our son both deleted the app, I never got around to that. 
The thing is the phone number I used for PI was not a number I gave out, just a few family members, mostly I only gave out my husbands number as he actually answers his phone so how did I suddenly start getting all manner of calls on a phone number that I do not use, my primary number I would understand so I would hazard a guess that PI are selling the data. Fast forward to the last couple of weeks and as you have probably heard PI did actually go live on mainnet with a semi tradeable token.
Now I made my husband recover his wallet as he had passed KYC and the price of PI was over a $1 and the thought of selling over 400 tokens was tempting, all he had to do was verify his phone number and email with a text, so he did. Then there was suddenly a huge amount of scam emails on the address he used for PI, as well as a few text messages that were from 'fake amazon'.
What do you think? Coincidence? Personally I think not, but hey I could be wrong but take this as a friendly warning, if you have passed KYC and verified with PI be very careful about any text messages or emails and links.
So all of us have deleted all PI apps as well as cleaning and running malware scans after realising it is just not worth it although unfortunately it may be too late for my husband and we may have to replace his phone number and the email he used.
Thank you for reading, feel free to comment and let me know if you have had any issues with PI.

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