How to think and get rich in times of crisis? Napoleon Hill's secrets to transform your life

27 Feb 2024

The economic, social and health crisis that the world is currently experiencing has affected millions of people, who have lost their jobs, their businesses, their savings and their dreams. Many feel desperate, frustrated and without hope of improving their situation.

However, there is a way to get out of this situation and achieve the financial and personal success you so desire. It is about applying the principles that the American author Napoleon Hill revealed in his famous book Think and Grow Rich, published in 1937.

This book is the result of a study that Hill conducted for 25 years of the richest men in the United States of his time, such as Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller, among others. These men entrusted the author with the origin of his fortune and the steps they took to obtain it.

Hill discovered that they all shared a series of habits, attitudes and strategies that allowed them to transform their money desires into reality. These principles are universal and timeless, and can be applied by anyone, regardless of their social, educational or cultural status.

The book Think and Grow Rich has been considered the beginning of the genre of self-improvement literature, and has sold more than ten million copies worldwide. It has been promoted by personalities such as Mahatma Gandhi, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates and Tony Robbins, among others.

What makes this book so powerful and effective? What are the secrets that Napoleon Hill offers us to think and get rich? Below, we summarize the most important points that you should know and apply in your life.


the starting point of all achievement. Hill states that the first step to achieving wealth is to have a burning, intense and defined desire to obtain it. It is not a simple wish or a vague hope, but a firm and clear conviction of what you want and what you are willing to do to achieve it. You must have a specific, measurable and realistic goal, and write it down on paper. Then you should read it every day, morning and night, and visualize it in your mind as if you had already achieved it.


visualization and belief in the achievement of desire. Hill maintains that faith is a mental state that can be induced through autosuggestion. Autosuggestion is the process of influencing the subconscious through positive, repetitive affirmations. The subconscious is responsible for our actions, emotions and habits, and can be programmed to help us achieve our goals. Hill recommends creating a formula for self-confidence, which consists of affirming that we are capable of achieving what we want, that we have the necessary skill, knowledge and experience, and that we are committed to acting according to our plan. This formula must be read aloud twice a day, with faith and emotion.

Specialized knowledge:

personal experience or observation. Hill points out that general knowledge is not enough to succeed in the business world. It is necessary to have specialized knowledge, related to the field in which we want to stand out. This knowledge can be obtained through formal education, self-education, practical experience, or collaboration with others who possess it. Hill advises choosing an area of interest, studying it thoroughly, and applying it with creativity and originality. He also suggests seeking out advisors, mentors, and partners who can guide and support us on our path.


the workshop of the mind. Hill states that imagination is the faculty that allows us to create new ideas, solutions and opportunities. There are two types of imagination: synthetic and creative. Synthetic imagination combines and reorganizes existing knowledge, while creative imagination generates new ideas from nothing. Hill recommends exercising your imagination through reading, observing, meditating, and experimenting. He also proposes making practical use of imagination, that is, turning ideas into action plans, and plans into concrete results.

Organized planning:

the crystallization of desire into action. Hill indicates that the desire must be accompanied by a plan of action, which must be developed with the help of the imagination,

The subconscious mind:

the link. Hill explains that the subconscious mind is the link between the conscious mind and infinite intelligence, or the source of all wisdom and power. Hill states that the subconscious mind receives and stores all the impressions, thoughts and emotions sent to it by the conscious mind, and transmits them to infinite intelligence, which processes them and returns them in the form of inspiration, intuition or guidance. Hill argues that the subconscious mind can be influenced by autosuggestion, and that it can be programmed to help us achieve our goals. Hill recommends feeding the subconscious mind with positive, constructive and harmonious thoughts, and avoiding negative, destructive and discordant ones. Hill suggests communicating with the subconscious mind before sleeping and upon waking, and asking it to provide us with the solutions we seek.

The brain:

the center of transmission and reception. Hill describes the brain as the center of transmission and reception of thoughts, which can be compared to radio waves. Hill says the brain is made up of billions of cells, which vibrate at different frequencies, and can be stimulated by emotion. Hill states that the brain has two main functions: to transmit the thoughts we generate with the conscious mind, and to receive the thoughts sent to us by other minds, both human and divine. Hill assures that the brain can be trained to increase its capacity and efficiency, and to tune into the frequencies that interest us. Hill proposes exercising the brain through reading, studying, analysis, reflection and meditation. Hill proposes using the brain to send and receive positive, motivating and encouraging messages, and to avoid negative, discouraging and demotivating ones.

The sixth sense:

the door to the temple of wisdom. Hill defines the sixth sense as the faculty that allows us to receive and understand the communications that come to us from infinite intelligence, or from other higher minds. Hill states that the sixth sense is the result of the combination of the other five senses, and that it manifests itself through creative imagination. Hill maintains that the sixth sense is the highest and most powerful of all, and that it allows us to access the temple of wisdom, where the secrets of the universe are kept. Hill recognizes that the sixth sense is the most difficult to develop and control, and that it requires a lot of practice, patience and perseverance. Hill recommends cultivating the sixth sense through prayer, faith, silence, relaxation and receptivity. Hill suggests using the sixth sense to obtain inspiration, guidance and advice, and to solve problems that arise.
These are the thirteen principles that Napoleon Hill teaches us in his book Think and Grow Rich, and that have been tested and proven by thousands of people who have achieved the success and happiness they desired. If you also want to think and become rich, it is not enough to read this book, but you must study it, understand it and apply it in your daily life. Only in this way can you transform your destiny and achieve your goals.

Remember that success does not depend on luck, chance or circumstances, but on your attitude, your mentality and your action. You are the creator of your own reality, and you have the power to change it in your favor. Don't let anyone tell you what you can or can't do, or limit your dreams. Believe in yourself, your potential and your purpose. Think big, act with passion and persist with faith. This way you can think and get rich, and enjoy a full and satisfying life.

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