Coinbase Officially Launches Base Blockchain: A Milestone for a Public Company

11 Aug 2023

Coinbase, the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the US, has officially launched its own blockchain network called Base on August 9, 2023. This is a historic moment for the company and the crypto industry, as Coinbase becomes the first public company to operate its own blockchain.

What is Base and why did Coinbase create it?

Base is a decentralized, scalable, and secure blockchain platform that supports smart contracts, tokens, and decentralized applications (DApps). Base aims to provide a user-friendly and accessible environment for developers and users to create and interact with various crypto projects.

Coinbase created Base to address some of the challenges and limitations of existing blockchains, such as high fees, low throughput, and complex user experience. Base leverages some of the latest innovations in blockchain technology, such as proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus, sharding, and interoperability.

How does Base work and what are its features?

Base uses a PoS consensus mechanism, which means that validators stake their tokens to secure the network and earn rewards. PoS is more energy-efficient and scalable than proof-of-work (PoW), which is used by Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Base also employs sharding, which is a technique that splits the network into multiple parallel chains, each with its own transactions and state. Sharding allows Base to process thousands of transactions per second (TPS), compared to Ethereum’s 15 TPS.
Base is also designed to be interoperable with other blockchains, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Polkadot. This means that users can transfer assets and data across different networks seamlessly and securely.

Some of the features that Base offers are:

  • Base Token (BSE): This is the native token of Base, which is used for paying fees, staking, governance, and incentivizing network participants. BSE has a fixed supply of 21 million tokens, similar to Bitcoin. Coinbase distributed 10% of BSE to its shareholders and employees, 10% to its early investors and partners, and 80% to the Base community through various programs.
  • Base Wallet: This is the official wallet for Base, which allows users to store, send, receive, and swap BSE and other tokens. Base Wallet is integrated with Coinbase’s platform, making it easy for users to access their funds and trade on Coinbase.
  • Base Studio: This is the development environment for Base, which enables developers to create smart contracts, tokens, and DApps using various programming languages and frameworks. Base Studio also provides tools for testing, debugging, deploying, and monitoring applications on Base.
  • Base Explorer: This is the block explorer for Base, which allows users to view and verify transactions, blocks, accounts, contracts, and tokens on Base. Base Explorer also provides analytics and insights on the network’s performance and activity.

The benefits and challenges of Base

Base offers many benefits for Coinbase and the crypto community, such as:
Enhancing Coinbase’s ecosystem: By launching its own blockchain, Coinbase can offer more products and services to its customers, such as staking, lending, borrowing, gaming, NFTs, DeFi, etc. Coinbase can also leverage its existing user base, brand recognition, and regulatory compliance to attract more adoption and innovation to Base.

  • Empowering users and developers: By providing a fast, cheap, and easy-to-use platform for crypto projects, Base can empower users and developers to create and participate in various applications that can improve their lives and society. Base can also foster a more inclusive and diverse community that can shape the future of Base through governance and feedback mechanisms.
  • Advancing blockchain technology: By implementing some of the cutting-edge features in blockchain technology, such as PoS, sharding, and interoperability, Base can advance the state-of-the-art in the field and inspire more research and development. Base can also contribute to the sustainability and scalability of blockchain technology by reducing its environmental impact and increasing its efficiency.

However, Base also faces some challenges and risks, such as:

  • Competing with other blockchains: Base is not the only blockchain platform that aims to solve the problems of existing networks. There are many other competitors in the space, such as Ethereum 2.0 (the upcoming upgrade of Ethereum), Cardano (a PoS-based platform), Solana (a high-performance platform), Binance Smart Chain (a platform backed by Binance), etc. These platforms have their own advantages and disadvantages, and some of them have already established a large network effect and user base. Base will have to compete with them for market share and adoption.
  • Securing the network: As a new blockchain network, Base will have to ensure that it is secure from various attacks and vulnerabilities that could compromise its integrity and functionality. For example, Base will have to deal with the potential risks of PoS, such as validator collusion, censorship, and centralization. Base will also have to protect its users from malicious actors, such as hackers, scammers, and fraudsters, who could exploit its features and applications.
  • Regulating the network: As a public company, Coinbase will have to comply with the laws and regulations of various jurisdictions that govern its operations and activities. This could pose some challenges and constraints for Base, as different countries and regions have different rules and standards for blockchain and crypto. For example, Coinbase will have to ensure that Base does not violate any anti-money laundering (AML), counter-terrorism financing (CTF), or sanctions laws. Coinbase will also have to deal with the potential tax implications of Base, such as how to report and pay taxes on BSE and other tokens.

Conclusion 🎉

Base is a major milestone for Coinbase and the crypto industry, as it marks the first time that a public company has launched its own blockchain network. Base is a promising platform that aims to provide a user-friendly and accessible environment for crypto projects, while leveraging some of the latest innovations in blockchain technology. Base also offers many benefits for Coinbase and the crypto community, such as enhancing Coinbase’s ecosystem, empowering users and developers, and advancing blockchain technology. However, Base also faces some challenges and risks, such as competing with other blockchains, securing the network, and regulating the network. Base is still in its early stages of development and adoption and it will take time and effort to realize its full potential.

I hope you enjoyed reading this article about Coinbase’s Base blockchain.

What do you think about Base? Do you think it will succeed in becoming a leading blockchain platform? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! 😊


  • (1) Introducing Base - Coinbase | Coinbase Blog.
  • (2) Coinbase Launches 'Base' Blockchain in Milestone for Public Company | CoinDesk.
  • (3) What Is Base? Coinbase’s Layer-Two Chain Explained | CoinMarketCap.
  • (4) What is Base? All You Need to Know about Coinbase's L2 Chain - Techopedia | Techopedia.

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