Härjedale, an amazing place to visit 🇸🇪

29 Oct 2023

## What a beautiful place, Härjedalen 🇸🇪

I looked at the photos of my visit to the Häjrdalen region and felt nostalgic for even the events of not so long ago.

On this day, we put away the chairs and desks on the balcony into storage for the winter. There was a light dusting of snow on the mountain across the street, and it looked like the snow that had fallen for a few hours the other day had not melted on the summit.

We were told that we could take the fall harvest of beans from the field and left with lots of beans and lettuce.

In Sweden, we are already starting to prepare for winter.

At night, it was already below 0 degrees Celsius when we visited the Härjedalen area.

Härjedalen is beautiful when it snows.

It was a really beautiful sight to see before the winter arrives.


この日は、冬に向けてバルコニーの椅子や机を倉庫へ片付けました。 向かいの山にはうっすらと雪が積もっていて、先日、数時間降った雪が山頂では溶けずに積もったようでした。



夜もわたしたちがヘリエダーレン地方を訪れたときは既に0度まで下回っていました。 雪が降るとまたそれはそれで美しいヘリエダーレン。




🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦

🥦 ᛗᛁᛉᚢᛟ ᛫ ᚾᛗᚱᚲ 🥦

🥦 Ha det så bra!🥦

🥦See you again!🥦


🥦 https://linktr.ee/mizuo 🥦


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