Grill - Igniting the Social Flame on Polkadot’s Blockchain

4 Apr 2024

Over the past couple of years, we have seen a large amount of social blockchain projects being created. Projects are being built on multiple different blockchains. The world is changing, and we have two things to thank for that, blockchain and DAG. Blockchain and DAG technology are changing the way we interact with each other, the way we earn online, and the speed and ease of transactions. Being able to send micropayments from one user to another without a middleman is changing the game.

I have gone over other projects that I think are worth checking out such as Tangled, Torum, DeSo, Uhive, and many more. These are all amazing projects and if you have not had the chance to check them out yet then I suggest giving them a try. I have written about each of these projects in previous articles.

The first thing I want to go over is the Polkadot blockchain. I have been infatuated with blockchain and DAG technology for a long time. I think the first time I started learning about blockchain was around 2013. Now do not let that fool you. I am still not holding a large amount of Crypto. Everything I have accumulated is through earning and learning. I do not have a lot of money so what initially brought me to learning about Crypto was the fact that you can earn it fairly easy. This is why I found love for creating these articles and videos. I think everyone should learn about this technology. How much it can connect all of us and how much it might be able to help during financial woes.

In this article I am going to go over a blockchain project that I have been following for a while. I have held a little of this token for a while now but never really had anything to do with it. Well, blockchains are evolving and more projects and people are utilizing this technology to create the next level of social media. Imagine social media paying you just for being active. Just for your posts and comments. Well, that idea is coming to life quicker than I can say Polkadot. There are so many platforms popping up it is hard to find the ones that are worth the time you put into them.

I am going to start writing these so people can get an idea of the platform and the blockchain it uses. If you want a deep look into the platform then check out my video at the beginning of this article. Each article I write I will make a video for it explaining how it works and a walk through to make it easier for people who are just starting the platform or just started learning about blockchain technology.

What is the Polkadot Blockchain

Polkadot (DOT) is an interesting and promising project. DOT’s first block “Genesis Block” was launched on May 26th, 2020. It was created by Gavin Wood, Robert Habermeier, and Peter Czaban.

Gavin Wood is known as being a co-founder of Ethereum and being his contributions to the blockchain world. He also invented Proof-of-Authority consensus and Solidity.

The purpose of DOT was to allow different blockchains to communicate with each other. Being able to transfer data, tokens, and pretty much anything that uses blockchain technology. This is called cross-chain technology. It has been designed to be scalable and fast. I believe this project is next level and will change the way we use technology. The token of this blockchain (DOT) is used for governance and staking. So, if you hold DOT, you have the opportunity to be a part of the community and earn more from staking some of your idle DOT.

Now this technology is still extremely young so we have not seen what it is fully capable of, but I have a feeling over the years the Polkadot blockchain will become well-known and used by the world.

If you would like to learn more about DOT, check out the video below. Or you can also click here to learn all about the Polkadot blockchain.

Polkadot has multiple dapps you can use. There are over 40 different dapps that are available. Each one has its purpose. The dapp I am going to cover is called Grill. Grill is a social platform that runs on the Polkadot blockchain. It is a social platform that allows you to earn from your attention. In the next section we are going to go over Grill. How it works, and why I think this platform is the next evolution in social media and earning from content.

What is Grill?

Grill, formerly known as Subsocial is a social project that runs on the Polkadot blockchain. It allows you to earn from your attention and interaction. You can earn a token called SUB just from liking posts, commenting, and posting. To start earning from liking posts you will need to stake at least 2,000 SUB tokens. I will get more into this in just a second. I want to go over what exactly this platform is and why I cannot get enough of it.

Grills Layout

Grill has an easy to use and smooth layout. It makes it so anyone can use the platform without running into too many headaches. Of course, this platform is still growing and evolving so we are going to run into issues here and there but so far it has been a smooth ride. If you would like to get a closer look at the layout of Grill and how it works check out my video. You can also watch it here if you scroll up and click play on the first video of this article.

What is Grill and how do you use it?

Grill uses the Polkadot blockchain. This means you will need to have a wallet that supports DOT such as Subwallet. This allows you to hold your earnings in a wallet and send, receive, and exchange with ease. I have gone over all of this in my video.

Every time you like, comment, or post it is recorded on the Polkadot blockchain. So remember, everything you do on social blockchain projects is there forever. Think before you post and comment.

When using Grill, you will need to stake at least 2,000 SUB to start earning. We will go over staking and earning in the next section.

Staking and Earning

You can use Grill no matter who you are. To earn though you will need to stake the platforms native token called SUB. You will need to stake at least 2,000 SUB to start earning. This equals to around $14 at the time of writing this article. To learn more about staking please check out the video below or click here.

“Content Staking allows creators to earn rewards for producing content on Subsocial, and rewards users for curating and interacting with their favorite pieces of content.” - Source

I think making it so you have to stake a certain amount of SUB to earn from the platform is a great way to keep fraudulent users away or at least limit the amount of people trying to take advantage of the platform. It makes it so you must obtain the token and then lock it up. To be honest I have not seen any spam posts since I have started using the platform. Maybe this is one of the reasons. I think staking is an amazing feature and makes it so anyone who is willing to learn and invest can reap the benefits of a growing platform.

What is allowed on Grill?

Grill is a decentralized social blockchain project. This means that pretty much anything goes. Now these decentralized platforms are open to everyone, but they still need to follow certain laws and look out for the average user. Which means there still must be some form of moderation. This is the same for other platforms I have shared such as Tangled, Torum, and DeSo.

Grill embraces an open-minded approach to moderation. Essentially, almost anything is fair game, except for content that falls into the NSFW (Not Safe For Work) or violent categories. Those who deviate from the content policy may find their contributions demonetized or concealed on Grill. As always, developers are encouraged to craft alternative user interfaces, adding unique flavors and enhancing the decentralization of the Subsocial ecosystem!
Grills Code of Conduct

Now the Grill ecosystem is decentralized just like other platforms such as Tangled, Torum, and Solcial. This does not mean you can just post anything though as I was saying earlier. There is a code of conduct. You can pretty much post anything you want if it goes by some laws and regulations. This is not a form of censorship but a form of making sure a platform is clean and can be used by anyone. All posts stay on the blockchain but if you post something malicious then your post will be blocked from other users. It will still be logged on to the blockchain though. The blockchain is forever, so be careful what you post. Be friendly, helpful, and have fun. We can grow if we all can work together and help each other.

Why is Polkadot Important

I believe the Polkadot blockchain is important because it allows different blockchain projects to share data and tokens. Not only that but it is a project that is truly run by the people. Bringing different blockchain together and allowing them to communicate with each other is the next level of Cryptocurrency, hell it is the next level of communication.

We have seen the power of blockchain ever since BTC was created in 2009 (Jan 3). We have seen how this open-source project has caused the creation of projects such as ETH, MATIC, SOLANA, BCH, EOS, and many more. One of the main problems I have come across other than Ethereum’s ridiculously high gas fees is how hard it is to convert a token on one blockchain into another token on a separate blockchain. Polkadot is solving this problem and making it so every blockchain can connect and interact with each other. This is truly mind blowing and will help connect blockchain easier and faster then we have ever seen.
Now every project has its pros and cons. Here is a short list of some the pros and cons I have found when learning about Polkadot.

Pros of Polkadot
Interoperability - Polkadot makes it easy for different blockchains to talk to each other. Think of it as a bridge connecting specialized blockchains (called parachains) with networks like Ethereum and Bitcoin.

Flexible and Adaptable - Polkadot is like a versatile toolbox. It works with different programming languages and lets developers customize their own chains with on-chain rules and upgrades.

Security and Leverage - Polkadot gives you more control, flexibility, and security. It’s not overly dependent on miners or validators you can’t trust. Plus, it’s been steadily growing, which could make it a smart investment.

Cons of Polkadot
Relative Newness - Polkadot is fairly new and hasn’t been fully tested yet. Like any new tech, it might encounter technical issues and regulatory obstacles as it aims to create a decentralized web.

Complexity - Polkadot’s design is powerful, but it might feel a bit tricky for beginners. To grasp it fully, you’ll need to learn about parachains, relay chains, and how governance works.

Competition - Polkadot is in a race with other blockchain platforms, each bringing its unique strengths. As the ecosystem grows, Polkadot needs to stand out and tackle any weaknesses.

The Future of Polkadot and Grill

The future of DOT and Cryptocurrency in general is unknown. I personally think we are witnessing something truly amazing. We are at the brink of watching the world change. We are watching the world truly becoming connected in a way we have never seen before.

The transfer of money and markets across the world have been a closed system. You can only do what is allowed in your country or city. Blockchain and Cryptocurrency are changing how we interact with each other. We can now send money anywhere in the world with practically no fees and no middleman saying yes this is allowed. We are witnessing the birth of a truly trustless system. Our governments are going to try to regulate this and try to stop it, so things stay the way they have been. A system of debt is no system of mine.

Blockchain is unstoppable. No government and “leader” will be able to stop what this technology is going to do. We are about to be connected on a whole new level. Either government will have to evolve with the times or collapse. I am excited to see what happens when blockchain takes over the world. Each person who uses blockchain technology and learns about it is helping mold this new system. A system of earned wealth. A system where we can see exactly where each dollar goes that we give to our governments. A system that is truly made for the people.

Now the future of Polkadot (DOT) is unknown but I believe this blockchain project is going to be needed to help connect each blockchain, and use them seamlessly without having to jump through to many hoops. Blockchain connectivity is one of the biggest problems I have come across. Being able to use one blockchain and transfer it to another is a game changer. Now do not quote me on this and this is not financial advice but if you do not have a little DOT in your portfolio then you might want to get some while you still can. Once the world sees what this blockchain is capable of and the prices reach its worth it will become harder and harder to get your hands on this one-of-a-kind token.

Final Thoughts

I truly believe blockchain is the future. The future of social media, the future of gaming, the future of connectivity, the future of finance, and the future that will truly connect the world.
This technology not only has the power to connect the world, but it also has the power to help us financially. Through tracking things down the smallest transactions. The reason governments do not want this technology to flourish is because they will be held accountable and will not be able to misuse taxpayer funds.

As we witness prices going higher on pretty much anything you can think of, this technology is allowing us to have a small side hustle. Every penny counts these days. Instead of wasting time on old school social media why not give this new way of communicating a try and start earning some Crypto. The world is changing. The world is adopting blockchain faster than I can say Earn With Hatty. We are witnessing the fastest transition into a new technology the world has ever seen.

Just remember, the blockchain is forever. Everything you say is logged and kept forever. Be responsible, respectable, and be nice to each other. We are the future.

Grill -

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