Our National Flower Best in the world.
Our National Flower is Water Lily.it is beautiful Flower. The Water Lily growth pond,river,canal,and small riverðª·ðª·ðª·
It is very nice flower and wonderful Leaf How to Grow Water Lilies at Home
Water lilies (Nymphaea spp.) are a large group of aquatic plants, bearing stunning flowers that float on the surface of the water. Their radiant blooms and serene floating leaves - lily pads - conjure up thoughts of a peaceful waterside paradise
Discussion of water lily:
Water lilies grow from tuberous root systems that must be submerged under water at all times. The cup- or star-shaped blossoms range from four to eight inches in diameter and come in almost every color of the rainbow. Individual flowers last a few days, but the plants continue to bloom on and off throughout the summer. Many varieties bear fragrant flowers. The floating leaves are circular and are usually as big as the flowers or large.
I love this flower.
Water lily really wonderful flower in my country. Most species of water lilies have rounded and variously notched waxy-coated leaves on long stalks that contain many air spaces and float in quiet freshwater habitats. The stalks arise from thick fleshy creeping underwater stems that are buried in the mud. The showy fragrant solitary flowers are borne at or above the water surface on long stalks that are attached to the underground stems. Each cuplike flower has a spiral arrangement of its numerous petals.
Where get water lily : water lily got in Bangladesh and many others country Water lily, (family Nymphaeaceae), family of about 60 species in 4 genera of freshwater flowering plants (order Nymphaeales) native to the temperate and tropical parts of the world. Water lilies provide food for fish and wildlife but sometimes cause drainage problems because of their rapid growth. Many varieties have been developed for ornamental use in garden pools and conservatories. Closely related genera, of the family Cobombaceae, are the water shields and the fanworts.
Describe of water lily :
The fragrant water lily is an aquatic plant that is most easily recognized by its eye-catching, open bloom and uniquely-shaped leaves. It is a radially symmetrical flower displaying either white or pink petals. The flower looms above flat, heart-shaped, glossy green, floating leaves.
Why did you like water lily:
According to Temkin, Monet loved the water lilies because he saw them as a kind of natural bridge between garden, water, and sky. The lily pond was traversed by a Japanese garden-style bridge.