The burden part 3

1 Nov 2022

Many excuses were given. "Nevera, I don't have any money. How can I take Jimin?" Pay two to five rupees less, but you take the land!" Finally Gana agreed to take the land; And in the next two days 'Isar-Pavati' happened. With a thumbs up, Nevra came home with a hundred rupees in his wallet. He ate his fill that day. Another day is over. Nevra came home to eat bread at night and seeing the situation there, he was sweating profusely. The old man had prepared a noose by hanging a rope from the middle. His wife Varvanta was sitting in front. It was as if she was waiting for Nevara to come after making preparations.

 As soon as he came, both of them Deeply laid. "Oh, how come you were born a butcher?" Erm, how do you like the land acquired by the fathers?" Why did Jimin eat without asking his mother? Now why should we put bib on the stomach?" The wife started hitting her head on the top and the old woman stuck her neck in the noose with a knife under her feet! Panicked, Nevra shouted with his hand on his face, "Why did you come like this?" Do you want me to drink black water?" You will climb the gallows! I die on the gallows to see your work. Let me be a cross! Nevra went and shouted at her, "Are you going to die by breaking your forehead?" Oh, so I'll be beaten?" and he began to cry. But the wife did not miss her husband. Veravanta said with her head, "You are not a husband, you are an enemy... an enemy! I am in awe of taking such a husband as his wife! There was only one canal in the house. Someone died in Nalya Newra's house, so the whole village gathered. Everyone saw this spectacle. Finally, four knowledgeable people came forward and they understood the old woman, "Are you open ?" Will you hang the whole village and make them go to court ?" "Jimin for rent!" I'm done! My house rose from the village! Now why should I live?" Then Nevra began to cry to the village, "Why should I do it, lku nhai ter? The body is burdened! Paika Anu Kutla? I will die by eating reeds, so that both of them will be at peace!" The old woman rubbed her hands and said, "Oh, die, die, die ! I'll be freed with a hug ! " - and she clenched her teeth in anger. Gritting her teeth, she slumped down. Then the people took the ult and put it in their teeth and opened their teeth. Nevra, who was sitting nearby, began to cry to the mother, "Mother, you must not die." Oh, I haven't met Jimin yet; Let's just make a complaint, withdraw it, cancel it. Be careful!" The old woman was careful. 
Leaving the noose, the congregation reconciled two or three and everyone went from house to house. After washing his wife's forehead, Nevara filled it with a stone leaf. He put both of them to bed and cooked food himself. We ate and fed the wife, mother. When Nevra went to Gana to cancel the visa-receipt, it came to know that he has gone to Pandharpur and will not come for eight-fifteen days! The old woman and his wife kept the nevara on the hot pan until the gana came. Where did the wisdom come from and did this sin, it occurred to Nevra. After undergoing Yamayatna for eight-fifteen days, he came to Gana. Said, "Gana, ex-Jimin Diyachi Nhai." "Why, right?" "Nhai Diyachi, it's true." Why and how, what's the use of Icharun?" "But you didn't know this, didn't you?" Nevara's voice rose to the sky. Oh, it's cool to know! But there will be two murders in my house... I'm going on black water if Jimmy sleeps! Why do you do it without knowing? Take your offering back and give it to me!" "Why should I give it to you? Is this my house?" "What is it, sir?" "What money did I have to keep to buy your land? I went around fifteen houses and collected money to buy land. The mortgagee took out thirty-six yards in advance of the hundred, and now you say you don't want to give the land; I was so drowned!" "Gana, I fall at your feet - take my life now. Oh, let me die my death; Why are you shouting anymore?" "What are you doing to such a soft talker? You get five hundred rupees including your isar. What do you want me to do with your land?" Nevra tried a lot, but she didn't get caught. Then Never has driven his own ten thighs. In anger he went to the cottage and wrote a promissory note and withdrew five hundred rupees. They were placed on the bed of the host and spread out Handed over to the old woman to put in the stove! Navra does not roam around the village anymore, he stays in the forest. The burden on his head is the same. - And Baja Vanin and her daughter-in-law don't mind!

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