Metaverse by architects

30 Oct 2022

Metaverse is short for imaginary world. This universe mimics the actual world, where individuals can use various technologies to live their lives as avatars. It is a virtual environment that can be accessed using tools like social networking, digital money, augmented reality, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence.

In his 1992 science fiction book "Snow Crash," author Neil Stephenson introduced the idea of the metaverse for the first time. In Stephenson's metaverse, a person could only become renowned through technical prowess or by entering constrained environments. The author explored a dystopian future. Ernest Cline's "Ready Player One," which was adapted into a Steven Spielberg film, was another book that went into more detail on the metaverse. This science fiction book takes place in a future where people use virtual reality goggles and gloves to visit a virtual world called "Oasis," where they can grasp or touch the objects.

The virtual setting known as the metaverse is where people can live, play, and work. However, they require a built and designed place in order to achieve it. In the virtual world, architects are required to plan the layout of cities and create buildings for them, just like in the real world. They create and improve areas for people to live, work, and socialize in their communities.

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