Some beautiful souls.

17 Apr 2023

Maybe we don't have to define all our emotions in life. I feel some of our emotions are so pure for us to compare to any concept that we created.

I know we have to settle down with someone at some point in our life but it doesn't mean we have to
define our emotions with everyone we connect, some beautiful souls just come into our lives to make it better with no expectations.

If you genuinely care for a person, try not to define those emotions, care, trust, and love with marriage or any relationship.

Sometimes, the concept 'mar- riage' or 'relationship' just spoils the true feeling you have for the other person.

Topics that pops up out of blue when you try to define the feeling to a little concept called, 'Marriage'.

We hold the other person too


We feel possessive for silly


We worry too much about the future.
We create checklist to validate our match.

All the 'what if, what if, and what

if' comes almost everyday.

• All of a sudden, you think about the past & complicate things now.

Family's expectation falls on the other person as a burden.

Jumps from free-zone to observation and judgemental zone.

If you are in India, we also talk about caste & religion to make things worst.

But you know what, it's no ones. fault. We all are just worried, scared, and trying to protect ourself from being hurt.

Why this is happening?
From childhood we are conditioned to see emotions as a romantic feel- ing from our environment around us. The movies & series we watch, people we see in our life, and stories we hear from others.

We are conditioned that if you have a genuine feeling on someone, it's love! Crazy, right? but it can be anything, it can be care, it can be sympathy, maybe you just miss that person or it can just be some genuine feeling but we always try to define it with some existing term. Yes, our mind is conditioned to it.

When we think about love or marriage, unknowingly we expect other person to be perfect. We try to define them with conditions, rules and expectations. As days goes by, we expect a lot that breaks everything naturally.

We should not try to define all our emotions with an existing terms that we created.

If you feel the true connection with the other person, it might be anyone around you, your friend, your colleague, your gym mate, anyone. But if you find genuine true happiness & joy in your eyes when you see them, spend time with them. Trust me, try not to define it.

If the concept 'love' or 'mar- riage' is going to break the relationship then these genuine emotions doesn't deserve that pain. They just want to be happy with you.

How can you identify these feelings?

You never know. To be honest, it just happens. But it's better to be conscious when it happens and
protect it at all cost before it's too late. The following may help you identify,

You just love spending time with them, it's hard to define time.

You understand things without

saying sometimes.

You are just happy that they exist in this world.

You laugh almost every moment.

You check on them, no matter

how busy you are.

You just want them to be happy. Everything the person does, feels familiar.

You don't expect anything from them.

You just trust them at any cost.

You reflect on each other of true values.
You can relate with the childhood experiences.

You connect with the same vibe after years of disconnect.

In our journey in life, we are likely to meet countless people - friends, family, colleagues, loved ones, and more. Yet, only a few will truly leave an indelible mark and be re- membered for a lifetime. When you find these special individuals, it is essential that you take care of them, for they are more precious than dia- monds. Surrounding ourselves with such people can bring immense joy and fulfilment to our lives. Never miss them, not even one :)

How do you allow these emotions to


From my experience, the best way is to go with the flow.

Try not to condition it. Just live
the moment and create wonderful memories.

Set clear boundaries and give enough space for the other person.

Never get angry or raise your voice at any cost.

Observe the tiny emotions and try

to act on it when there is an issue.

Listen when they talk, because they know you so well, that they would have thought about all the combina- tions to give you the best of all, just trust them.
I hope this article helps you to save some wonderful relationships you have with some amazing humans.

Don't burn yourself to give it all in a relationship, let's talk more on this in my next article :) stay tuned!

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