Background of cryptocurrency

22 Nov 2023

Man is alive on earth along with other animals i.e. other animals, but man is more advanced than all.
There are many daily necessities in our life. But not everyone has all the necessities or things so we depend on each other. Hence our exchange needs. At first we used to exchange things but it was always difficult to move from one place to another. So we started exchanging rear material. Thus the use of gold and silver has been going on for a long time, but we still buy and sell gold on top of it, but it is exchanged through the dollar.
We still have that standard only it's changed to dollars instead of gold and cryptocurrencies instead of company valuations. So you must buy tokens based on the background of the company, their collaboration, their modus operandi. If not, you may be the next victim?
What do you think about it?

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