8 Jan 2023

I've had ideas for this "blog" (if I can call it that) for months now, but I've put it off for so long, and I cannot honestly say why.

I've also still not put my plans into actions and so for now, I'd just be reuploading some of my old blog posts in hopes you enjoy reading them as much as I loved writing them.

A year from now, you may wish you had started today—Karen Lamb.

It's the beginning of a new month, the first Monday of a new month, actually, and if you are anything like me, you are hearing the phrase "new beginnings" whispered over and over in your ears by the gods of productivity.
For me, a new month means waking up early and doing mediocre work for a few hours for two days in a row, and then we're back to eating ten times a day and watching Big Bang Theory until 6 a.m., but I have goals, and you have goals; goals that we write down monthly with our full chests, and goals that we subconsciously do not believe are achievable.

Iman… cute, yeah?
I cannot be the only one that gets really pumped when I watch videos from people like Iman Gadzhi (for those of you still unaware of this handsome piece of genius, he is an extremely sexy 22-year old multimillionaire, oooof) or read biographies of people like Elon Musk. I start to imagine the possibility of achieving my goals, and for weeks after, I can smell the unmistakable mix of salt, seaweed, iodine, and sunscreen when I visit Venice Beach; I can taste real authentic Italian coffee in Italy, and I can feel my stomach flutter from the excitement of visiting "a coffee shop" in Amsterdam (if you know what I mean).

I can touch the reality of those goals.

We know all the things we want to achieve can be achieved, but they still never get done because we feel goal-stealing fear that we disguise as laziness.

So... What are you scared of ?

I was excited to start writing for people to read. I got the idea at the beginning of July and gave myself a thousand reasons why I should think it through, but I was still excited and lived with this excitement for three months.

Then this day came.

It was time to write to you, and I could not do it.

I sat in front of my PC for an absurd amount of time and started to talk myself out of it, because what if I really did not know how to do this writing thing and people thought it was trash? What if nobody likes it and nobody reads it?
And while these thoughts are valid, maybe even a little true, why don't we ask, "What if they love it?" What if they can relate to it and look forward to receiving my weekly newsletter (yes, every Monday, cool, right?) What if just one person falls in love with it, like I fall in love with amazing creatives? What if I stick with it, listen to your feedback, and improve every week? What if this time I succeed? "

I mean, it's almost the end of 2022, and in a few months I'd be a year older. I think it's time I opened myself up to the possibility of real success.

Let me let you in on a little secret: I want to start a social media marketing agency, and I've been making plans since July (I'm also wondering what was in the air in July) and filling my days with fake work and reasons why "now" is not a good time and why the third of next month would be so much better, and the truth is I'm scared. I'm afraid I won't be able to complete the work, that it will be too much for me, and that I will never get a client. And when I admit it out loud, I realize that I might actually be horrible at it and never get a client, but then no one would find out. It would be between you and me and would be shelved with the things I tried, but I'd never have the satisfaction of knowing if I never tried, and trying is never that big of a deal. So who knows? Maybe in one of these letters, we'll be celebrating my first client.

So while I am pursuing all the things I want to do this October and praying for some to stick, you should do the same.

What are the things you want to do, and what are you afraid of? (It could be plural, because we sexy people have a lot of fears)

Leave me a comment or two, and make the decision to open that philosophical book, turn a blank page, and script your first words, it being your canvas to paint what you want and all that jazz.

Was that too cliche? I hope so.
Till next time,
Your guy,

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