Inferno Tango

31 May 2024

In the heart of night, our secrets dance,
A blazing fire of a daring chance.
Sultry whispers, breath on skin,
Where forbidden passions, fierce, begin.

Eyes like embers, smoldering bright,
In the velvet cloak of endless night.
Fingers trace a molten trail,
In this inferno, hearts prevail.

Lips collide in a fevered quest,
A tango of flames, we do our best.
Sweat and desire, a molten sea,
In your embrace, I'm wild, I'm free.

Heat rises as the stars ignite,
Our shadows merge in the moon's light.
Temptation's fire, a fierce embrace,
We move as one in a timeless space.

The world fades, just you and I,
A burning love that won't deny.
Every touch, a spark, a blaze,
Lost in this erotic haze.

Flames entwine, our bodies ache,
A love that's pure, a risk we take.
In the aftermath, the embers glow,
In the depths of night, our secrets flow.

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