What Can Be Done to Reduce the Effects of Alcohol?

8 Jan 2024

There are individuals who have used alcohol and are looking for solutions to reduce the effects of alcohol after alcohol use. Alcohol can cause temporary or permanent damage to the body if it is overused. There are some methods to reduce the effect of alcohol after alcohol use.

What is Alcohol Addiction?
Alcohol addiction is characterized as a kind of brain disease. As with any addiction, alcohol addiction is characterized by periods of recovery and relapse. A person with alcohol addiction uses alcohol uncontrollably and after alcohol use, there is a significant loss of functionality. In individuals with alcohol addiction, the effect of alcohol is mostly seen as bringing losses in the functionality of the individual. Alcohol addiction is seen in people who habitually drink alcohol for long periods of time.

What are the Foods and Drinks that Reduce the Effect of Alcohol?
The effect of alcohol on the body is completely negative. Vitamin B can be used to reduce the effects of alcohol after alcohol consumption. Eating plenty of fruit during alcohol consumption, especially fruits containing vitamins B2-B1-B6-B12, will help reduce the damage caused by alcohol consumption.

Foods containing vitamin B1 to reduce the effect of alcohol are as follows;
Bulgur pilaf
Bran bread
Whole wheat bread
Groundnut Oats and rye

Foods containing vitamin B2 are as follows;
Chili pepper
Chicken liver
Beef liver and kidney

Foods containing vitamin B6 are as follows;
Hot sharp pepper
Celery leaf
Wheat bread

What are the Most Common After Effects of Alcohol?
Nausea, dizziness and headache are the most common complaints after alcohol consumption. Headache after alcohol is quite natural. The high amount of histamine in alcoholic beverages can cause migraine attacks and headaches. Another reason for headaches is that alcohol disrupts the body's electrolyte balance. Drink plenty of water to relieve headaches that are common after alcohol consumption. Headaches may occur when the brain is dehydrated.

Alcohol wears off after about 6 - 12 hours after the onset of these symptoms and unfortunately can leave behind headaches, nausea and dizziness.

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