2 Aug 2024

When the world has gotten you down,
And life has sapped your strength,
Come, fall into my arms.

When the storms are raging,
And you can’t find the light,
When the night turns long,
Come, lose yourself in me.

When you can’t smile or laugh,
As the troubles of the day press you,
When the challenges seem too hard,
Come, hold me tightly tonight.

When you don’t know how you’ll make it,
And you just want to give in and quit,
Stop, breathe deeply and look for me,
Come, find my love waiting for you.

As we journey through life and love,
No matter what happens or where we go,
Know that I’m beside you, holding you..
So that you can always fall into my love.

This I promise you,
Forever and always,
Til time is no more,
It will be you and I..ever in love.♥️❤️❤️🥰.

I hope everyone of us find love at the end.

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