Life Lessons

3 Sept 2024

Paying it forward is a powerful way to make a positive impact on the world. By showing kindness and compassion to those around us, we can create a ripple effect of goodness that spreads far and wide.
So next time you see someone in need, remember – 'YOU' have the power to make a difference.

Check out my blog on paying it forward!

30 Jul 2024

💎The Meaning Of Life By Dr. Viktor Frankl (Short Version)

18 Aug 2024

✒️No one has the right to do wrong, not even if wrong has been done to them.

📘From Man's Search for Meaning, a book by Viktor Frankl.

©️ Original Content, Created By TAS.

🎞️Footage By: Pexels - Freepik

🏷️Tags: #quote #book #wisdom #right #kind #humanity #life #inspiration #motivation #positivevibes #goodvibes #mindset

10 Aug 2024

Today I have seen what it looks like in real life. What "Misery loves company" looks like to be exact. One of the reason why we can't have nice things in life. lol.

15 Sept 2024

The Fairytale of Life
Life, much like a fairytale, is filled with moments of magic, adventure, and unexpected twists. From the moment we’re born, we’re thrust into a world where we face challenges, joys, and discoveries—each event forming a chapter in our unique story.

Unlike a fairytale, life doesn’t always offer a perfect resolution. The unpredictability, the ability to grow from every experience, and the realization that we have the power to shape our own story—that’s the real magic.


28 Jul 2024

The #1 Reason Why Men Should Always Pay for Dates

In modern dating, the question of who should foot the bill on a date remains a topic of debate. While some advocate for splitting the cost to promote equality, there's a compelling argument for why men should always pay for dates.

The primary reason is that it demonstrates chivalry and intention, which can set the tone for a respectful and considerate relationship.


9 Sept 2024

A new Monday and a new week!
Do you ever get the Monday blues?
I had it today, the first time for fluffing ages. You know when you just couldn't give a fluff about anything!

22 Jul 2024

Riddle me this

If I give you 2 choices and I take one back, how many choices do you have left?

1 Aug 2024

💎' A Man’s Unique Journey ' By Dr. Viktor Frankl💎

15 Sept 2024

2 Rules That Can Change Your Life

Rule 1: Prioritize Self-Discipline Over Motivation
Motivation can come and go, but discipline remains steady. If you rely on feeling motivated every day, you won’t always take action.

Rule 2/ Discipline leads to long-term results
When you're disciplined, you can push through challenges, stay focused on your tasks, and avoid distractions. Over time, you'll notice consistent progress in whatever you're working on.


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