Mind Network Testnet Guide (Powered by Binance Labs)
Hello friends, today we will do the Mind Network Testnet transactions, which is a Binance Labs Supported project. It is possible to see that Binance Labs Supported coins have always been launchedpool and then listed on Binance lately. In short, Manta Network, XAI and Alt layer are just a few of them, so why not Mind Network next, so don't miss this place. If you're ready, let's get started.
What is Mind Network?
I can say that Mind Network is a patented encryption network to secure users' data, smart contracts and artificial intelligence on Web3.
Who are Mind Network Investors?
Mind Network has received an investment of $2.5 million from many VCs, especially Binance Labs. They also have many important partnerships.
How Do We Perform Mind Network Testnet Transactions?
First of all, we will need test tokens in both Sepolia and Polygon Mumbai testnet networks, and you can get them from the links below.
Faucet Process
Test Token Minting
Next, we need to mint the test token and we will do this directly from the contract address.
First of all, let's go to this address https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0xFd57b4ddBf88a4e07fF4e34C487b99af2Fe82a05#writeContract . Let's connect the wallet with contract > Write contract > Connect Web3, go to > drip section and write the wallet and click write to perform the mint transaction. Do the same process by going to the address here https://sepolia.etherscan.io/address/0x466D489b6d36E7E3b824ef491C225F5830E81cC1#writeContract and we will mint 2 different test tokens.
Registering to the Test Site
After these steps, let's go to the reference site https://dapptest.mindnetwork.xyz/ . Then, let's first connect the wallet from the connect wallet section. Then let's register by clicking register. You can do this several times until the next part appears.
Transfer Process
Here we will first perform the transfer process. You can write your own address in the first address, and your own address or another wallet in the second address. Then, let's determine the matic amount and send it.
Bridge Operation
Let's move on to the Bridge section and here again write your own address in the first and 2nd parts and let's bridge some of the bnm token we mined before from the Sepolia network to the Mumbai network.
Swap and Stake Transactions
These places are not active yet, when they become active, we will carry out swap and stake transactions in these parts.
Galxe Missions
Galxe tasks consist of a few simple steps. Let's complete these and complete the testnet operations for now. To reach Galxe missions: https://galxe.com/MindNetwork/campaign/GCrkqttP6P?referral_code=GRFr2Jxk66m_W6NnJtdbZC7iu56TcNlFjPJPII5_bfpOYDg
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