Don't Be Afraid Of Difficulties !

2 Mar 2024

A long time ago, a craftsman went to a forest to find stones to make a statue. There he found a very good stone to make an idol.

While returning home with the stone, he picked up another stone along the way. After coming home, he started working on the good stone with hammer and chisel to make an idol.

When the stone started getting hurt by the chisel and hammer of the craftsman, the stone groaned in pain and said to the craftsman, “Oh brother, I cannot bear this pain, I will disintegrate like this.” Please make a statue of some other stone.”

The craftsman felt pity after hearing about that stone. He left that stone and started carving another stone. The second stone did not say anything. The craftsman made a lovely idol of God in a short time.

People from the nearby village came to collect the finished idol. They were about to leave with the idol but they realized that a stone would also be needed to break the coconut, so they took the earlier stone kept there with them.

He took the idol and decorated it in the temple and also placed the earlier stone in front.

Whenever a person came to the temple to visit, he would garland the idol, bathe it with milk and worship it. And break coconut on the stone in front.

Now the earlier stone had to endure pain every day.

He said to the stone idol, “You are having fun. You are decorated with flower garlands every day, you are worshiped every day. I just have bad luck. Every day people break coconuts and I have to endure the pain.”

Listening to the earlier stone, the stone that became the idol said, “Look friend, if you had suffered the pain at the hands of the craftsman that day, you would not have had to see this day and you would have been in my place. But you chose the easier path instead of enduring short-term pain. Now you are suffering the consequences.


Friends, many difficulties come in our life also. One has to endure a lot of pain also. But we do not have to retreat out of fear of them, we have to fight them boldly. These adverse circumstances will make us stronger. Due to which we will get closer to our destination.

Remember one more thing my friend-

The kite touches the sky only in the direction opposite to the wind.

So now whenever adverse circumstances come in your life, understand that the time has come to touch the sky. Buckle up and face it firmly, work hard and make your destination come true.

Thank You !

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