Strange coincidence 2

26 Oct 2022

Now, I consider God. Devadharma must have missed something. I was interrupted by a guest. 'No, yes. Everything, including clan culture and religion, was done exceptionally well. Grandma's Opinion In the meanwhile, Bhaterjee received a call from outside. Bring the bride's jewellery and arrive right away. Even though his legs were wobbly, Baba was able to exit the room and walk down the hallway with a half. Okay, baby! Man makes a decision, but the author brings something different! My experience was the same. Although I was able to manage the funds I had gathered for my son in a leather bag with her lips tightly attached to the shore, I became extremely destitute during the month I spent receiving treatment for my broken leg from a chiropractor in a coastal village and spending on IVs and food. Despite the significant improvement, my foot was still limp. So, strolling and stopping at villages along the way to beg for alms, I'm investigating the road to the province with the assistance of a stick. Last night, I finally made it to this village. I asked a private bus driver who was going by the wadi village of my native brother in the morning to take me on a free bus and drop me off there, but he refused. Baby, please bring me some food and water from your house. Once I've eaten, I'll use this stick you made to support my slow walk back to my village. The crippled man's appeal touched Balu's heart. What is your name, he enquired of him. Atmaram 10 is my name. What is the name of your brother? Rajaram is his name. And what is your son's name? Sad is his real name, but we used to call him "Raju" in a loving manner.

Following his responses The youngster warmly embraced him. I'm your Raju, Dad, she told him. After wiping away his tears of pleasure, Balu turned to his father and stated, "Dad, after my mother passed away, as soon as the sutak was done, uncle sold his house and farm and came to live with aunt, her two children, and me in this hamlet. He quickly purchased a sizable farm and erected a little house nearby. I am staying with them, and the uncles and aunts treat me with the same devotion that a foetus would receive. "In the morning, I take the two cows of the house to the forest to graze, then I return home, take a bath, eat breakfast, and go to school. In the evening, when the cows come back, I milk them," Raju said. I then study, eat, and sleep after that. The remaining work is completed by the son and daughter of the uncle. When we get home, let's chat quietly. How much would a mother give if she were alive today? Raju was so overcome with emotion at the thought of his mother that he was unable to speak the following few sentences. In the pouring rain and with tears streaming from their eyes, the girls clutched one other as they made their way home. When the ambush arrived, he immediately thought of his deceased wife, but the spirit constricted his thinking. He was so delighted to meet everyone in the neighbourhood and the house that he did not feel at home there.

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