Vithoba pt. 1

25 Oct 2022

The loud doorbell rang. Running, Sameer unlocked the door. Baba was at the door waiting. He had a happy flush on his face. Mother also emerged from the house at this moment. What occurred, she enquired with intrigue. 'Says. Place these heaps before God first. Baba spoke while handing the mother the puda. "The marriage is now fixed," Words could not contain the mother's exuberance. Tai's union is secure, Tai's union is secure. Sameer exclaimed with a joyful handclap. Standing by the door, Tai ran hesitantly into the interior space. When the mother arrived to present the tribute to God, she gave each person a straw to hold. Parents discussed getting ready for marriage. Sameer began making fun of Tai. There was excitement throughout the entire house.
"November 15th has been set," Speaking was Baba. 'Agbai! Just one month has passed. How will the planning be completed in such a short period of time? Mom said in a worried tone. "Yes, everything does happen. Why the heck are you worried, office? The contract has been given, bhatji, aside from food. Will they succeed? Mother is concerned. Then what? They are competent individuals. absolute mastery Their left hand game is marriage. "But it's done even if there's no game!" Mom said in a worried tone. Anything you enjoy. defining a game Say sport! Dad became irate. Leave that fear right now if you say, "I feel terrified when I say work." Even the Mulakad people are intelligent "Even if it's good, consider how many family members will be present. Someone must come after this. "Let the following be." Water bombs will be called. You women are prone to fretting needlessly. Let's move. Prepare first." What for? Purchase apparel and jewellery. Why, you ask? You have the jewellery, right? They'll take whatsoever action they see fit to support their daughter-in-law. But why don't we take action? said Baba. Have you come to direct them in any way? If so, we advised making bangles using a solid five tolas. Added to that, get the father-in-law a lovely chain and a necklace. Baba spoke cheerfully. Ah, but why did you divulge everything to them? To not say? So why shouldn't the same jewellery be doubled up? Everything should not be done with the doshas' approval, so why? 'Yes.' Mama said. Then hurry up and get ready. Visit Sarafa. Sushmala to the right. Let her pick the style that she prefers. Okay," the mother responded. To prepare, pee inside. Daddy started to appear really joyful. Looks like not all the luggage arrived. Baba questioned while they were in the car. "Und! 17 people had stains. Additionally, two waterbags." Mother told. One, two, three, four," Daddy started counting. "I have a problem? From the upper berth, Uncle spoke. 'Yes. Let it be close by. Sleep late at night. Baba performed. "Is everything okay?" There is. Dad took a seat there. Take out the tissue from your pocket. They wiped the face's perspiration. "Hushed! Damn it," they exclaimed. How is this acceptable to you, Daddy? That is, refrain from keeping an eye on the marriage and the home. Grandma double-added. Oh mum, she's becoming old. Now that the day has begun, hurry home. Everything should have a contract. Uncle laughed as he stated. When will you arrive in Sharangpur, Dad? Samir queried. Tomorrow morning at six o'clock, please. Then Tai's nuptials! Playing applaud, said Sameer. Say anything you want, Sameer is the happiest. Then what! The boys won't receive the headgear since they are delighted. In a chat, there was a voyage and cheating. The darkness started to descend gradually. The conversation then grew lull.

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