Vithu's day

13 Dec 2022

Vithu was happy today. It floated in the air as light as cotton wool. Was riding on the waves of suggested ideas. Even when his father was alive, Vithu, who was always walking with a happy face as if he had passed away yesterday, looked happy after many days. His old man and old woman went to Lekki for a day today and his children were taken by their uncle to Ajoli yesterday. It was going to be the two of them in the house tonight. Vithu and his wife Sakhu. For the first time after marriage, they would get such undisturbed solitude. In the last four-five years, both of them were very angry. If the children of the neighboring priests slept once at night, they would not wake up in the morning unless they were put to bed, while the children of Vithu had a restless sleep. It was not known when any cart would rise. In addition to that, the old man of Vithu used to cough throughout the night. A spasm of coughing once
When he came, he would leave the house in a panic for half an hour. Due to that confusion, the sleeping boy would wake up and start crying. It was such a mess that if the old man's neck was covered with phlegm, if it was done soon, he would also be freed, and we also felt like this. Beldara had to break the huge black rock with a chisel and break it into pieces, like the gold of the stone, which had been shattered by the old man's cough for many nights. But Vithu's old lady was lucky. She was not bothered by the old man's cough. Before he started coughing, her ears were out of warranty and she was profoundly deaf in both ears. The poor woman had no idea what was going on in the house. She used to sleep soundly. Everything was so peaceful in her eyes. When the cough cleared, the old man would call Vithu and ask him to bring jaggery. The old man's cough had breached the brick color several times. He had to retreat and sheathe his sword in the heat of battle. This had such an effect on his mind
It happened that at such times his mind could not concentrate. At the time of Sharasandhana, Arjuna did not have the same bird's eye view; Just as Duryodhana could see the leaves, branches and flowers of a tree, when he went near his wife, he could see the old man and the children before his eyes. The mind would feel pressured and then it would go cold as if the electricity was cut off. Today, however, he was completely unfazed. As usual, he was out for work, but he was not paying attention to work. He returned home calling his wife. Sakhu was surprised to hear his call "Sakhu Go Sakhu Saklya". She was scared as to why the husband who had gone to Mala came so soon. Leaving the work in hand, she ran out and saw him happily, "What happened? How many tigers are caught by such pomp and circumstance?" So he was warmly welcomed. "I mean, do you want to hold a tiger or what? " You spoke like this, Savitri
I don't think they have taken Satyavan's parana back from Yama. I think if you were Savitri, you would have handed over Yama with your own hands instead of your husband." "Why do you say that?" Sakhula had realized his mistake. She lowered her voice and said, "Are you there for me?" "You're putting me in front of a tiger like you're putting me in front of a dog just because I'm a virgin ! " Vithu said angrily. "Don't be so angry, wo." She too dissolved. "I'm angry or you're the one who's letting the tiger on my body." "Well, well. Chukla Maja. Is it done now?” "What a tiger to say I made a mistake..." But she didn't let him speak any further. asked, "Where would your vans be? What did you forget in the forest ?" "How Israel got in the way. What are they out there
I've taken it out." "Get them and hit me in the ass." "Why?" "Then ? Even if you say I'm wrong, keep your own tunes!" she said, with a smile. “Don't go like that. At least today.” “Why today though ? What is Sunday today?" "It's not Sunday, but you'll do it yourself." Vithu said he was happy. She doesn't even notice what he's saying. She kept looking at him. "Friend-" "What?" "How do you feel today?" She brightened at his question. She put eight on her forehead and said, "What is this raid on me? What heat if lloh
That's not the case, Go. Why do I think you should have a fever ? You are my only wife. Ladki." "So there are four of the others?" he asked. "What do you want to do with yourself? If you don't want to drink it, why talk about it?” “If I had played, would you have done it?" "No, my dear. Why do I remember such a day when I have sung Lakshmi like you? You are my soul and my love.” “Sleep in the vein! Bring me a handkerchief?" "Hando? Why Hando ?" "Put it down." "Empty?" he asked. "Where is the bottom?” he asked in surprise. "Today, Maya is flowing too much to hold it." "Shouldn't my husband admire his wife ? (next part coming soon.........)

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