The price to pay IS to enjoy life!

9 Jan 2024

We’ve been alive for so long missing the basics on how to live. How to actually enjoy moments that, assembled, make life. We thought there is a price to pay to live, and the better you want your life to be, the higher the price is. And I m not talking about investing time and energy kinda price, I mean suffering and compensating on what means the most to us … kinda price.

You go through life in that slave mentality, only to realize that life was meant to be fully lived. And the rule of the game is, the more you enjoy, the more there is to be enjoyed. The more you celebrate, the more there is to be celebrated. And the more you take care of yourself, the more the world takes care of you.
Don t get me wrong, I don’t mean to mindlessly indulge in pleasures for that is not self-love and clearly is harmful. What I mean is genuinely caring for yourself, setting boundaries with yourself, listening to your body, enjoying your work, and not depriving yourself of little pleasures here and there.
A big pillar of this lifestyle is making your source of income a source of fulfillment and a way to fully authentically express yourself. Something that fills you up, not leaves you depleted, and it only happens that it provides a service or product that people are willing to pay for.
To reach that state, you should first generously fill yourself up, be your own best friend and set yourself up for success! Really supporting yourself with loving awareness, like you’d treat the person you love most in this world. Invest money and energy in yourself and your well-being and you’ll see how you’ll naturally want to give back to the world, to express yourself in some shape and form!
Compare that to forcing yourself to be “productive”, not supporting yourself with needed rest, nutrition, and enough sleep, abusing your own boundaries and just literally using yourself to make money. Which one do you find more loving and even more efficient? Checking off your to-do list or losing the sense of time and space indulging in your todos? That’s the point I want to make!
Spoil yourself generously, set yourself up for success, build systems that will make your growth easy, your rest a priority, your mental and physical health non-negotiables, and your self-expression a.k.a work, a by-product of it all!

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