Cardinal virtues according to Santo Tomás de Aquino
The foundations for proper moral behavior have been around for a whopping seven hundred years. These include:
Prudence, the ability to differentiate between good and evil, plays a crucial role in our moral decision-making.
Justice, another cardinal virtue, revolves around giving to God what was given to us and ensuring that we provide everyone their rightful due.
Temperance emphasizes the prioritization of reason over our senses and emotions.
Fortitude: Being brave, having self-control, fearless, and having tolerance for frustration.
Fear is a weakness that paralyzes people. Predilections reveal who we are and what our footprint will be when we die. It is necessary to have awareness, to understand in order to pursue the objective truth, not the subjective truth that progressives want to impose on us. Human worth is another distinctive feature that we should not leave aside because it speaks to us of the morality that we carry innately, that which is not educated. The world needs men who are virtuous, diligent in their work and willing to do good.