BNB Greenfield Testnet

28 Dec 2023

BNB Greenfield Testnet: Manchurian Hardfork
The upcoming Manchurian hardfork for BNB Greenfield testnet will take place at block height 3,922,485.
Important information and key actions required:

  • The estimated time for the Manchurian hardfork, based on the current block generation rate, is January 4th at 07:00 AM UTC.
  • Validators and Storage Providers (SPs) should complete upgrading to latest version before hardfork, greenfield v1.2.1 for validators, and greenfield-storage-provider v1.2.2 for SPs.

Please be aware that the upcoming hardfork will not impact your account balance on Greenfield. All buckets and objects stored on the Greenfield Testnet will remain accessible. 

What’s New for Greenfield?

To enhance user experience, the developer community is introducing the following features and bug fixes:

  • A new message type: `MsgSetTag` (PR #526).
  • Bug fix to addresses the restriction in creating GVG and to enable the creation of an empty family (PR #532).
  • Bug fix for bucket status causing event emissions (PR#522).

What’s New for Storage Providers?

  • Addition of tags to organize and sort buckets, objects and groups (PR #1263).
  • Query objects receive support prior to sealing, ensuring that sealing occurs only after verification of the object's content accuracy. (PR #1260).
  • GC Zombie data for Storage Providers (PR #1190).

For other bug fixes and refactoring, please refer to the changelog in the Greenfield Blockchain repository.

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