SpaceKids Saga : The Earth Encounter — GOMBLE’s first DAO and the NFT collection

22 Feb 2024

* We recommend listening to the following BGM while reading.
🎵 BGM: Daft Punk — Digital Love

In a Galaxy Far Far Away…

Observing Earth for ages, were the SpaceKids of G-star, who had long laid plans for conquest. In the year A.D. 3000, a select team of 100 was dispatched, only to be scattered across the planet due to an unforeseen accident. As generations pass, their offspring dive deep into Earth’s mobile gaming obsession. But what happened to their once-solid plan for Earth domination? A crucial turning point emerges with the birth of the 5,555th descendant! Can they repair their spacecraft and continue their quest for control? Join in the thrill and experience the unfolding saga!

Special tribute to the iconic Daft Punk — Interstella 5555: “The 5tory of the 5ecret 5tar 5ystem”

Let’s take a moment to talk about Daft Punk’s album Discovery, which is not only remarkable musically but also serves as a significant source of inspiration for our team, primarily because of its connection to Interstella 5555.

Daft Punk’s Interstella 5555 is a masterpiece that turns the entire Discovery album into both a musical and an animated film. It tells the story of extraterrestrial beings coming to Earth to spread new music, which resonates with the narrative of Daft Punk transmitting their music to Earth. (Perhaps they were aliens after all?)

If you’re interested, we highly recommend listening to the entirety of Interstella 5555 after the track you’re currently enjoying. While you can find high-quality versions online, it’s not available on the Daft Punk Official account. Instead, we’ll list the sequence below.

The rest of the explanation has been omitted. Its time to feel the music
<Daft Punk — Discovery (Official Videos) Track List>

GOMBLE’s NFT collections

  1. SpaceKids Saga : The Earth Encounter — GOMBLE’s PFP Collection!

In tribute to the inspiration provided by Daft Punk and to mark the inception of a fresh adventure with the arrival of the 5,555th descendant, the PFP NFT collection is composed of 5,555 unique pieces. We expect these 5,555 NFTs and the exciting activities they enable to inspire innovation in the blockchain and gaming world.

Each of the 5,555 descendants were given a small pill which gave them the ability to sense the thoughts of their fellow beings. Bit by bit, extraordinary abilities began to manifest….

Sneak Peaks of SpaceKids

SpaceKids is a collection of 5,555 PFP NFTs. The collection will be offered through FREE Minting. There will be opportunities to mint through participation in ambassador programs, applications, and Airdrop Events (including Staking and Dare).

PFP NFT Allocation

(*) The description of the OG Spaceship NFT continues below.
(**) More details will be revealed on February 27th. Stay tuned for updates.
(***) At the bottom of this article, you can find the application link for the Social Ambassadors, Creators and Proposers Track and etc.

2. OG Spaceship : OG Contributors’ NFT Collection
In honor of the 100 ancestors who first landed on Earth, there will be 100 NFTs available to the initial contributors in addition to the PFP collection.
These NFTs will be identical, spaceship-themed NFTs.

To select the initial contributors, there will be a minting using an auction format. Various expressions of appreciation will be offered to participants in the auction, highlighting the value of their involvement. Additionally, special recognition will be extended to the first 50 contributors (OG Spaceship holders), emphasizing their pivotal role in the project’s early stages.

They will be greatly favored as pioneers of our ecosystem
The auction is planned for late March and April, more information regarding the auction process will be announced later.


  • OG Contributors: 100 NFTs (non-PFP, OG Spaceship)
  • 1st DAO Contributors: 5,555 NFTs (PFP, SpaceKids Saga : The Earth Encounter)

Have you been turning in? The last track has probably wrapped up and now brace yourselves for what’s coming up next.

BGM: Daft Punk — Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

GOMBLE’s 1st DAO — where SpaceKids can manifest their extraordinary powers.

The DAO is a place for the special abilities of SpaceKids to manifest and materialize into reality. It will serve as a space for NFT holders to propose initiatives and execute them. Similar to Nouns DAO, NFT holders will gain the following roles within the DAO:

1. Propose new initiatives
2. Vote on submitted proposals
3. Execute fund allocations

1. Propose new initiatives
Participants play a vital role by suggesting initiatives for the GOMBLE ecosystem, particularly those that highlight the need for treasury funds and how additional support can amplify the impact of proposed initiatives.

2. Vote on submitted proposals
NFT holders can express their agreement or disagreement on a proposed initiative through a voting mechanism.

3. Execute fund allocations
Once a pre-determined quorum is reached, the proposal will be approved and the necessary funds will be allocated for the successful execution of the initiative.
Initial activities are expected to focus on marketing initiatives, including the planning of tournaments and content creation. Prior to NFT issuance and the DAO becoming fully functional, GOMBLE intends to enhance the current marketing channel on Discord, aiming to enable users to undergo the entire DAO process, starting from proposal submissions to voting to fund execution. Further opportunities for participation across various fields such as game development will also be introduced.

p.s. Daft Punk announced their retirement in 2021, in a manner true to their style.
BGM: Daft Punk — Epilogue


DAO, NFT, Blockchain Gaming are all challenging paths. Yet, fueled by our passion for gaming, we will grow Harder, Better, Faster, and Stronger for the But GOMBLE love games and we will strive to become Harder, Better, and Stronger to enhance the gaming ecosystem.

And we will go through all of this with our community. Together, we will bring back the joy in gaming.

We’re calling for applications for two exciting tracks:

  1. Social Ambassadors Track (due: ~March 3rd 2024) Dive into the online world of GOMBLE’s eco-system and DAO! Your mission: spread the word far and wide.
  2. 👉Apply for Social Ambassadors Track
  3. Creators / Proposers Track (Until further notice) Share your ideas with us. And please make brilliant proposals and execute them! It’s important that we collaborate to shape the early stages of GOMBLE’s DAO together.
  4. 👉Apply for Creators & Proposers Track

By joining these two tracks and evidencing your eligibility as a GOMBLE’s DAO member, you’ll get the privilege to mint NFTs

Important Notice

📍Feb 27th — Detailed Info Release!

  • Details about the NFT allocation and distribution as well as information about the staking event will be distributed on Feb 27th. Keep an eye out and stay tuned for updates!

📍Feb 29th — Staking and Other Events Start!

  • Staking events will start from Feb 29th so get ready and stay tuned for more information!

Here’s to the day when Daft Punk releases another album and grace the stages once more.
BGM : Daft Punk — One More Time

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