Speed Breakers Vs Life Obstacles

1 Feb 2024

Friends, what happens when you are driving your car smoothly and suddenly a speed breaker comes in front of you?
What do you do then?
Do you stop your car there and stop moving forward?

No ! You just slow down the car a little and after passing the breaker, you slowly start increasing your speed. Isn't it?

We all do the same in the case of a car, but when it comes to achieving our goals, becoming successful in life, then people behave quite differently.

Many people do not see the obstacles coming in the way of their goal as speed breakers, but consider them as a dead end from where they cannot move forward; And then they give up all their efforts!

But there are many similarities between the speed breakers on the roads and the obstacles in life, and these similarities teach us that just as we do not stop on the road when a breaker comes, similarly we should not stop when problems come in life. Let us consider these a little.

-> Both are bound to come:-

Neither can we walk on the road without speed breakers nor can we live life without obstacles… You will not find a single successful person who will tell you that he became successful without obstacles. Therefore, it is wise to be mentally prepared for the fact that one has to face obstacles in efforts to achieve goals.

-> Both are important:-

If there are no speed breakers, many accidents can occur due to uncontrolled speed; Similarly, the obstacles in life make us experts in thinking deeply and finding solutions to problems.

Someone has also said that one's success should not be measured by what position he achieved in life but by how many obstacles he overcame to achieve it.

-> Both are temporary:-

There is no road which has only speed breakers, nor is there any path to success which has only obstacles… Both breakers and obstacles are temporary, they come and affect us for some time. Are there and then go away. But if someone considers them permanent rather than temporary, then he remains away from success.

-> You do something different to deal with both:-

At first you are driving your car smoothly but when the speed breaker comes, you reduce the acceleration of the car and apply brakes. Similarly, when obstacles come in life, you have to do something different to deal with them, just think what would happen if the driver keeps doing what he was doing even after the breaker comes. He will get a shock, and if the speed is high then an accident may also occur. To deal with the problems that come in life, we have to do something different. Obstacles are a deviation from our normal course and to overcome them we have to bring changes in our approach…our technique too.

-> It is not necessary that they are visible:-

Many times the speed breaker becomes known only after we have passed through it, similarly many times the problems are understood only when they have already caused harm to us. In such cases we cannot change the past but we can definitely be careful about the future.

-> Both have many forms:-

Just as all speed breakers are not the same, some are less bumpy and some are more, similarly the problems that come in life are also of different types. Some are easily solved while some take a lot of time. But it is certain that if we keep putting in efforts, then if not today then tomorrow we will find their solution.

-> Both become easier with experience:-

When you go through the same route again and again, subconsciously a map of that route gets prepared in your mind, you know even before the breaker comes that it is going to come and adjust your speed accordingly. Even in life, when you overcome any obstacle, a blue print is prepared in your mind to deal with it or similar problems and next time when a similar problem arises, you can easily solve it.

Friends, whatever goals you have set for your life, pursue them with all your heart and be prepared for the fact that there will be many obstacles in their completion, but they will all be like speed breakers on the road. The bar may slow down your speed but it cannot stop you from achieving your dream.






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