Finding Motivation: Exploring the Mechanics of Dopamine and Self-Contracts
Fun After Work
Watching the local newspaper today, I saw a police demonstration of their sniffer dog, which when finding the drug wins the toy as a reward, this brought me an insight connecting with another point, last weekend I saw a video, where it said that it's possible to reprogram the brain in a certain way so that we can be more disciplined and dedicated.
Part I of Mechanics
The mechanics are the same, it's just about allowing us to have access to something that releases dopamine, after we've dono what needs to be done, such a simple mechanic should be easier to execute right, but it's because there's no blockchain in our minds, if only we could make an immutable contract with ourselves.
As simple as it may be, there seems to be some level that we reach by letting things take us, what we can't even keep an agreement with ourselves, and even knowing that we should stay through the feed of some social network, I'm not going to blame them after all they have a function and purpose, and they work well, the vast majority of us are adults enough to at least have an idea of what is good or bad for each one, I don't look for culprits, but the root of the problem for resolve.
At this point we already know that there is a simple mechanic that we can use to train ourselves to be more focused and disciplined, we have identified possibly the root of the problem, an addiction to social networks, games or something else that releases more dopamine quickly, when I say addiction I don't mean to be pejorative, just open your eyes to notice that his is taking a lot of your life time, you must take control back, but even knowing many times we cannot avoid it, don't despair, knowing what the problem is, is already part of solution.
Part II of Mechanics
I don't want you to focus on the picture of the situation, but on the mechanics of the solution, please. Another thought that I connected with this idea is how people avoid people with a tendency to commit suicide to actually commit it, taking away anything that could hurt them the vast majority is not planned it's an impulse, you are aware of what must be done and act on impulse, sorry for the comparison, but again I ask you to focus on the mechanics.
Keep away from you everything that takes your time and does not collaborate with your future, I do not pay lip service, I am actually doing thus as I write, I have already deleted the social network app from my smartphone, sometimes when I am almost installing it, which takes more than 30 seconds, I have enough time to reflect, realize that this is wrong, and I formula, but there is a mechanic, we can almost call it tool, which are already applied in other things in life, and we can use it here.
Now before finishing this text, I ask you to stop and think, in fact absorb and create your own thinking about it, chew well and absorb the concepts, do not swallow them at once as an absolute truth, but reflect in order to generate your own point of view, suppose it must be something close to this line of reasoning.
Unity Makes Strenght
To complete the idea, I'II focus on it as a whole now. I can't tell you to delete everything that gives you pleasure, everyone knows the gravity of their distraction, so the first step is to identify what leisure and entertainment is, being what it's okay to do twice a day, and what hinders you, what literally consumes hours of your day without giving you any return, a leisure activity put as a reward after what you should do, and what hinders you, delete it in fact, you don't need to delete your account but you can delete the app, put your cell phone in another room in the house, by password on the computer, buy an alarm so you don't get it right when you wake up.And to finish saying that you are not alone, and you are not the only one who is going through difficulties, many others like me also go through it, if you want an idea or tip for specific case, you can leave the comment below.